We had a goal 8 years ago of creating the fittest community on earth.
It started with opening one gym. Then moving that gym to a bigger space. Then moving that gym again to an even bigger space. Then expanding onto that gym. Then opening a 2nd gym. Then expanding onto both gyms.
Now we’re working on ways to connect our core values with more people across the globe.
“For a brand, a page, a person to connect with someone else, for the consumer to follow, or even purchase, that brand/person/page, it has to bring value to the consumer. What value are you actually bringing?” - One of the topics that came up in a late night think session.
What exactly are HYPE’s core values? I don’t know about exact, but It took me less than 30 seconds to come up with 5. I could probably have sat for much longer going deeper and deeper, but these are the things that connect our community together and the reasons we continue to grow.
1.) Work Harder.
You’re joking yourself if you think you’re doing every single thing you can do to actually accomplish what you want. So go do it. You’re also not that tired, or hurting THAT bad to not go for it. So go do it.
2.) Always Show Up.
Knee hurts? show up. Back hurts? show up. Life stressing you out? show up. Lost money? show up. Failed miserably? Embarrassed yourself? Not feeling right? Anxiety? Family? Abilities? Intimidation?
The people that we connect with on the highest levels are ones that just keep showing up to do everything they can progress inside, and outside, of the gym. The answers don’t appear while empty searching. They appear while working.
3.) Community is Power.
I don’t expect perfection, but I expect effort. Find people that want it as bad as you… And we want it bad. Creating strength amongst a group is important so that everyone lifts one another up during tough times, and everyone can absolutely charge during the good times. If everyone supports genuine effort, it is an easier place to grow. We grow together exponentially because of the power of everyone being on the same page and sharing the same beliefs. Find those that will push you beyond your comfort zone.
4.) Intensity is King.
Hit every session like there is some one out there trying to take it away from you. Someone is literally trying to take your progress away from you. Stop going through the motions. Go hard always. Go as hard as you can on any given instance and greatness will follow. It may take a while, but it will come.
5.) Never Stop The Pursuit.
I don’t think most understand what it actually takes to get where they want. Ones that do know that doing it organically takes every ounce of your being. Stop waiting on some lottery ticket. No bail out is coming for you. No special pill or substance is going to create the world you wish for. Work is. Endless work. Passionate, I literally can’t fall asleep I want to keep ripping it, type work.
Write down what you want. Make it real. Then start following the path.
These are the connection points that wearing this logo represents.
We have not wavered in our pursuit..
Athletes from around the globe respect our efforts for continuing the fight to ensure everyone is pushing inside, and outside, of the gym.
We continue to search for ways to connect with the idea of WORKING HARDER, DOING MORE, and DOING IT OURSELVES.
We set out to create products that are tested by us, designed by us, and hand created by us.
We wanted to ensure doing it the right way was the only way. No cutting corners, no easy way out.
Made in America.
By us. For us.
If we are not training. We’re innovating. We’re building. We’re pushing our abilities somewhere.
At HYPE - We are big advocates of doing more.
Leading life with intensity towards everything, and all, that you do.
We are entrepreneurs, elite fitness connoisseurs, innovators, Coaches, Skaters, Surfers, motorcycle riders, designers, investors, doctors, managers, servers, teachers, students.
We are for those that want more and are willing to do-more.
We want it all.
I want to be “next level” at everything. An innovate entrepreneur, alongside being the fittest human on earth, while creating relationships and coaching those around me to do the same.
Is it possible to do literally everything and be incredible at it?
Not sure… But I’m sure as shit going to push to find out.
More everywhere. More all the time.
This is HYPE.
and we are The Do-More Culture.