Mens Long Body Small Circle T - Black n White

Mens Long Body Small Circle T - Black n White
Part of the Origin Line. Welcome To HYPE’s introduction to the world.
Black n’ White Crew long body Tee-shirt.
Hand Printed by HYPE. 100% cotton heavy-boi.
You ever walk around and start pulling on the base of your shirt to pull it around your ass? Hate shirts running up on you faster than me from my problems? want to look a little more steezed out mid squat or heel flip? Want every chick to buy YOU a mozzerella stick while out at the bar?
Heavy, flowing, fitting, soft, comfortable.
I hate pulling my shirts down to give me a little added length. This is specialty cut to lower the length of the shirt without affecting the upper fit.
The Do-More Culture.
Designed by us. Crafted by us. Printed by us. Shipped by us. Worn by us. Performed in by us. You are us. We are HYPE
We do it for HYPE… For those that find intensity in all that they do.